Online Plain English Training : Fully Booked

	Plain English Mark

Thank you for your interest.

We are now fully booked.

Please check back soon for more dates in 2021.

What is plain English?

Plain English is a style of writing and layout that the intended reader can understand after a single reading. It will help you clarify what you’re trying to say and, as a result, help your reader get your message exactly as you intended. Presenting information in plain English includes using suitable words, adopting a direct style, avoiding unnecessary jargon and designing your written information to make it easier to follow.

Should I attend the online training?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want to ensure you are communicating as clearly and effectively as possible?
  • Are you sometimes frustrated answering the same questions because the information to customers is not clear enough?
  • Do you find it difficult to develop clear reports, policies, promotional, training or web materials?
  • Do you want to get quality training in how best to communicate, provided by leaders in plain English editing and training?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then this online training is for you.

What do I need to do before I take part?

Before the session, you will be asked to send in sample documents from your organisation so we can use them for exercises and activities during the day.

What is unique about this online training?

After you complete the training, we will agree a set exercise of one to two pages of text from your documents/web text with you.  You will apply the plain English guidelines you learned in the session to this text and NALA will review and provide detailed feedback in an email. This gives you the chance to put the training into practice and get immediate expert feedback.


€130 per person (€110 per person for community and voluntary organisations)

Register below and we will send you a link for the training.


Recent testimonials

“NALA’s Plain English training was incredibly useful. The training provided excellent tips and tools about how to make our communications more accessible. The training also helped me to explain to colleagues why Plain English is so important. I have shared the Plain English guide with a number of people in my company. My team has also started using Plain English in our recent communications with the general public.”

Ciara Flanagan, Development Officer, Pobal

“The approach used by NALA to support College Connect to use plain English in their work was seamless. The workshop was bespoke to the needs of the College Connect programme and team. College Connect would be happy to recommend NALA to anyone looking for training in plain English writing. NALA certainly go above and beyond what has traditionally been accepted in a one-day training”

Anthony Burrowes, College Connect

“NALA one-day open plain English training was excellent. I learnt so much and it is one of the best training days that I have attended in a long time…..focused, informative, balanced, excellent.”

Cherie Tyner, Parents Plus




Register now

Date: October 7, 2020
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Location: Microsoft Teams

Online Plain English Training : Fully Booked


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General Terms
We require a minimum of 12 people for a course to go ahead.
When you book a place, you are indicating that you understand and accept our booking and cancellation policy (below).

Booking and Cancellation Policy
You can choose to pay with a bank card when you book online, post a cheque for payment to NALA or wait for an invoice from NALA.
If we do not receive payment online or by cheque, we will invoice you before the course.
We will confirm the place(s) when we receive your payment.
If we need to cancel a course, we will do our best to give you at least three working days' notice. We will give you the option to attend a later course, receive a credit note for another course or a full refund.
If you need to cancel a place, please note the following:
If you cancel the place 10 working days or more in advance, we will refund the full course fee.
If you cancel the place 4-9 working days in advance, we will refund 50% of the course fee.
If you cancel the place within 4 working days, or do not attend, we reserve the right to keep the full course fee, unless exceptional circumstances apply.

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