Resources hub
Literacy and numeracy workbooks
Getting Started as a tutor
Getting Started

eLearning website
Learn with NALA
Want to use our online learning courses in your centre?
Learn with NALA has over 40 free online courses in subjects such as reading, writing, maths, computers and more.
- Teaching, learning and assessment tool.
- Can be used in group or one-to-one learning sessions.
- Can be used independently by learners.
- Recognition of prior learning tool.
- Quality and Qualification Ireland (QQI) certification options.
On Learn with NALA we have a range of Levels 1 – 3 courses from reading, writing and maths to career preparation and computer skills.
If you register your education centre you will get access to over 50 courses, can keep track of your students’ progress and we can work with you to progress your students to Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) certification.
Courses for adult literacy tutors
Professional Development
Are you working in Further Education and Training?
Add to your knowledge and skills by registering for one of our free online courses on Learn with NALA today.
Our courses cover:
- Preparing learning materials
- Integrating literacy
- Understanding literacy, numeracy and digital literacy
- Becoming literacy friendly
You will receive a NALA Professional Development certificate on successful completion of each course.

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NALA is hiring a Membership and Funding Development Officer | Apply by 15 January
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