About NALA
About NALA
The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) is an independent charity committed to making sure people with unmet literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs can fully take part in society and have access to learning opportunities that meet their needs.

Our vision
Our vision is that adult literacy is a human right. Everyone in Ireland should have the chance to develop their literacy, numeracy and digital skills to take part fully in society.
What we do
We are a leading campaigning and lobbying force on adult literacy issues. We are involved in tutor training, developing teaching materials, tutoring services, policy making, research and campaigns to raise awareness of the causes, extent and responses to unmet adult literacy needs in Ireland.

Our impact
Many individuals and organisations have contributed considerably to adult literacy work in Ireland. For our part, we have put literacy on the political agenda and secured funding for the provision of adult literacy services. Currently there are thousands of adults attending Education and Training Board (ETB) adult literacy courses nationwide.
Read more about what we do
Our structure and funding
NALA is a registered company with limited and charitable status.
We receive a grant of two million euro from SOLAS, the further education and training authority in Ireland, which enables us to staff a national office in Dublin and carry out our work in adult literacy. SOLAS also funds specific research and development work together with other government departments, state bodies, the European Union and the private sector.
View our annual reports and accounts

Our CEO and staff
Colleen Dube is CEO of the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA). For over twenty years, Colleen has continuously contributed to Ireland’s educational landscape.
NALA has 30 staff in its main office in Dublin who are responsible for tutoring and online learning services, tutor training, policy making, research, plain English services, student advocacy and campaigns to raise awareness of the causes and responses to adult literacy issues in Ireland.
Meet our staff
Our Board
At our annual general meeting, members elect a Board, which makes sure our aims are put into practice. The Board includes both students and workers in adult and further education and training. The board meets seven times a year and you can read the minutes of their meetings here.
Meet our board members

Our patron
“For over thirty five years, NALA has worked, with enormous dedication and commitment, to ensure that people with literacy difficulties can access the learning supports they need, and to advance adult literacy policy through advocacy and through engagement with government departments and relevant organisations.” NALA Patron, President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins.
NALA is governed by a Constitution consisting of a Memorandum and Articles of Association. We comply with the requirements of the Charities Regulatory Authority and its Charities Governance Code.
NALA has always sought to operate to the highest standards and, before the Governance Code was published in 2018, we followed the Governance Code for Community, Voluntary and Charitable Organisations.
View our Governance documents

Our Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan sets out the National Adult Literacy Agency’s goals for 2024 – 2030. It also sets out the actions we will use to achieve our goals.
Read our Strategic Plan
Adult Literacy for Life
Adult Literacy for Life is the Government’s 10-year strategy for adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy. NALA is committed to supporting the implementation of Further Education and Training (FET) and Adult Literacy for Life (ALL) Strategies through continued advocacy; the development and delivery of resources and services to address gaps; and collaboration with policy makers, partners, practitioners and learners.
Visit the Strategy website

Policies and complaints
NALA works hard to maintain and improve the standard of service we provide. If you are not happy with some aspect of our service, please tell us about it. We welcome your comments as a way of helping us to continue to improve our services. For information on how to make a complaint, please see our complaints policy.
Read our internal policies