Read NALA’s submission to the 10-year Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy Strategy for Ireland

September 8, 2021

NALA Submission Website

The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) have made our submission to SOLAS on the upcoming 10-year Strategy for Literacy, Numeracy and Digital Literacy. We greatly appreciate all the members who filled in the online survey, joined our webinar and contacted us with your ideas.

NALA believe that the strategy should have a clear vision that everyone in Ireland has the right to literacy. We believe that people should have the literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills needed to reach their full potential and that these skills are valued and supported at every level of society.

Our submission reflects this and outlines how the strategy should have clear goals and measurable targets over 10 years. We are proposing a holistic and cross-departmental approach to support people to access their literacy rights and improve their literacy, numeracy and digital literacy.

Read our submission to the 10-year strategy

If you would like to make an individual submission, you can still do so by filling out the short or long questionnaire, or making a written submission on the SOLAS website by 31 December 2020. We are encouraging as many people as possible to take part in this consultation to ensure a wide variety of voices are heard.

Have your say in the strategy by visiting the SOLAS website

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