Can you help us to promote our ‘Take the first step’ campaign?

June 28, 2019

Group of adults reading in a library

Ahead of International Literacy Day, which takes place this year on Sunday 8 September, the National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) has launched ‘Take the First Step’, a national public information campaign to encourage those who have difficulties with numeracy and literacy to contact NALA or their local ETB to get the help they need to improve their skills.

Similar to previous years, the main aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of literacy issues in Ireland and to encourage adults who have difficulty with reading, writing, maths or technology to contact a Freephone support line to get the help they need. Once they call, we will put them in contact with their local ETB Adult Education Centre or tell them about other free services that will meet their needs.

The campaign will include national and regional radio advertising, video, digital and social media posts, and some outdoor advertising. Local radio and digital advertising will promote local ETBs and their phone numbers.

This year, we have arranged for four new videos of ETB learners that will be shared on social media and other digital platforms. Filming has taken place with four students from Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board (ETB), Waterford Wexford ETB, Kilkenny Carlow ETB and Kildare Wicklow ETB. Each video shows how returning to education has improved their confidence and helped them in other areas of their lives such as being able to do the driver theory test, do further education and training courses, manage healthcare issues, and for one non-Irish participant, how it helped them integrate into Irish society and also get a job.

Can you help us to promote Take the first step?

Help us to promote Take the first step by sharing these wonderful videos of students with your family, friends and work colleagues.

Here is the link

The Take the first step campaign is funded by SOLAS, the state further education and training authority and is a key part of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategy within the Further Education and Training Strategy 2014-2019. The advertising will be broadcast for the month of September.

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