NALA Student Day Cork Saturday 7 March 10am to 4pm

February 5, 2015

Who are the NALA Student Days for?

– You, if you are improving your literacy and numeracy in a centre.

– You, if you are improving your literacy or numeracy online and would like to meet others doing the same thing or attending a centre.

– You, if you are improving your English (as an English for Speakers of Other Languages – ESOL – student) in an adult education centre.


What are the Student Days about?

– Give you a chance to meet other students.

– Take part in interesting workshops.

– Hear from interesting speakers.


Is there a cost for this event?

There is no charge for attending this event. However you have to be a NALA member to attend.

If you would like to attend and are not already a member of NALA, you can join for free.


What will happen?

After a welcome cup of tea, you will get a chance to meet other students. You will hear get an update from NALA’s Director Inez Bailey, about recent changes and developments. You will attend one workshop in the morning. We will have lunch together. In the afternoon you will take part in a second workshop and also hear about how the ETBs are interested in students’ views. There will be a question and answer session with the Student Sub-committee of NALA and we will finish up at 4pm.

To see the agenda and book your place, please see attached document. You can also book your place here:

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