

Adult Basic Education Digital Literacy

Abedili project

ABEDiLi – Adult Basic Education Digital Literacy

Aims at enhancing the digital skills of the educators in adult basic education

Between 2020 and 2022, the National Adult Literacy Agency engaged with partners across the European Union on the innovative Erasmus + ABEDiLi – Adult Basic Education Digital Literacy project. The goal of the ABEDiLi project was to empower adult literacy educators to identify useful digital options and concepts and to incorporate them into their teaching strategies. The aim of the project was to enhance the digital skills of literacy educators, giving them the tools to transfer digital skills and confident to their learners.

There were seven partners across seven countries involved in this project:

  1. Germany: Niedersächischer Bund für freie Erwachsenenbildung e.V
  2. Ireland: National Adult Literacy Agency, NALA.
  3. Sweden: ABF Göteborg Vuxenutbildning AB
  4. Finland: Valo-valmennusyhdistys ry
  6. Croatia: Public open university Andragog
  7. Serbia: Skola za osnovno obrazovanje odraslih

For more on the project, go to

NALA, as the lead partner in IO2, Train the Trainer, engaged in a five-stage process in the development of the programme:

  1. Secondary research
  2. Analysis of IO1
  3. Primary Research
  4. Development
  5. Pilot and test

Find out more about these below.

Integrating digital into adult literacy practice – Primary research

Survey of practitioners to inform developing a Train the Trainer programme.

This report is part of the Erasmus + ABEDiLi – Adult Basic Education Digital Literacy project. The goal of the ABEDiLi project was to empower adult literacy educators to identify useful digital options and concepts and to incorporate them into their teaching strategies. The aim of the project was to enhance the digital skills of literacy educators, giving them the tools to transfer digital skills and confident to their learners.

Read the report
Digital literacy report

Integrating digital into adult literacy practice – Secondary research

Guiding Principles for developing a Train the Trainer programme.

This report is part of the Erasmus + ABEDiLi – Adult Basic Education Digital Literacy project. The goal of the ABEDiLi project was to empower adult literacy educators to identify useful digital options and concepts and to incorporate them into their teaching strategies. The aim of the project was to enhance the digital skills of literacy educators, giving them the tools to transfer digital skills and confident to their learners.

Read the report
Digital literacy

Train the trainer

Train the Trainer: Empowering Basic Skills Educators – Integrating Technology into Teaching Practice

The Train the Trainer Professional Development Program is a series of six online training sessions and self-directed learning activities that aim to empower adult basic skills educators to bring technology and digital media into their teaching practice.

The Train the Trainer program allows adult educators to develop professional competence in digital skills and to support their colleagues on their learning journeys. As a result, adult educators will be able to use more versatile digital resources and tools in everyday teaching practice, engage their learners and support their learning through integration of digital media.

The package includes:

  • A Guidebook including storyboards, lesson summaries, resource lists and more

View the Guidebook
Train the trainer guidebook
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